Friday 20 May 2011

3rd year RSPB Project/Exhibition/Competition

This project was given to us by the RSPB. We were given specific sites that we had to go away and research where in which sea eagles had previously been seen and we had to come back with a finished piece that would be used at these sites to inform the public and make the public aware to look out for them. My idea was basically a large sculpture of the bird on a post with information on the post detailing the birds info to make people more aware but whilst researching the sea eagles, I came across various details of the bird some of which the public wouldn't ever be able to see due to the birds being very rare.

Once finished the class held an exhibition in Duncan of Jordanstone gallery space where in which STV News came along to document it. My idea can be seen above. I created the piece out of tiny pieces of paper.

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